Why is my column did not update everyday? Is there wrong with my formula?

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The column “delay” is established as a “normal” column - i.e. not as a virtual column. The App Formula for a “normal” column is only activated in two ways:

  1. By user activity EDITING the row or user activity that executes an action that edits the row.
  2. Automation - some scheduled process that edits the row - executing an action to do it.

Another way to apply updates is by using a Virtual Column. Virtual Columns are column types that are updated/recalculated on every Sync in the app.

The easiest way to get your column to update automatically is to switch it to be a Virtual Column.

Again, be aware that Virtual Columns are re-calculated on every sync. The more virtual columns the app has the slower the Sync becomes. This is only a problem if you have a LOT of virtual Columns (e.g. hundreds) OR if your table has lots of rows or is expected to grow really fast.

Hi @Audit_CKGoC , as @WillowMobileSystems wrote, you have this 3 options in Appsheet. But i think that you could also write this formula on the main sheet.
evaluate the one that best fit for you.

Thank you!

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