Azure Devops with Google Play Android Developer API throws 'The caller does not have permission'

I'm setting up a azure pipeline to publish my app to the Google play store but I am getting the following error when trying to use the Google Play Release Task from the Microsoft store:


2023-12-07T16:22:25.7975266Z ##[section]Starting: Release internal
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086073Z ==============================================================================
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086209Z Task         : Google Play - Release
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086286Z Description  : Release an app to the Google Play Store
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086386Z Version      : 4.232.0
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086451Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086534Z Help         :
2023-12-07T16:22:25.8086645Z ==============================================================================
2023-12-07T16:22:27.8272488Z Authenticated with Google Play and getting new edit
2023-12-07T16:22:28.1725071Z ##[error]Error: The caller does not have permission
2023-12-07T16:22:28.1886386Z ##[section]Finishing: Release to internal






When checking the API in the google cloud Enabled APIs & Services section, it shows it received 2 requests that failed. So I assume the Task of the pipeline hits the right endpoint.


I did the following steps to set up the connection:

  • creating a new project
  • activating the Google Play Android Developer API
  • navigate to IAM -> Service account
  • create new account with role owner (a lot of guides say Role Manager, but I don’t see the role in the dropdown)
  • Keys -> Add key -> Create new key -> download json
  • add new service connection with the services account email and private key from the json file
  • upload json file in secure files and create download secure file task
  • in google play release task use service connection and json auth file

Did I forget a step to grant access here?



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Hi @daihaile,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

Please try to set up your project and Publishing API by following this guide. I believe you might have missed step 20.

Let me know if you're receiving the same error. Thanks.

Hey @lawrencenelson,

thank you for the quick answer. I tried to follow the guide and setup a new service account with the role service account user, unfortunately my google play console does not have the "API Access" menu point as shown in the screen.



Hi @daihaile 
did you manage to solve this issue of yours?
I am also facing the same error 

I am having the same issue couldn't find api access menu

Hi @arun1221 

You may find it the options available on Google Cloud Console

Also confirming the steps on worked for me

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