API Proxy generator in nodejs

In this 23 minute screencast, I discuss and demonstrate a generator tool that you can use to rapidly produce API proxies from a template that you devise. 

The tool is available in this github repo, so you can try it out yourself. 

I provide some examples in that repo, mostly focused on templates that can be used to expose a  curated set of queries on a BigQuery dataset, from an API facade. 

The templates included in the repo are just examples.  You can build your own, using whatever "standard policies" you like.  And then you too, can generate proxies from standard templates. 

Let me know what you think! 

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Génial parcours facile à répondre merci pour l'info passer une bonne journée




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Last update:
‎03-31-2022 04:13 PM
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