Apigee Edge Runtime Error Catalog - Phase 1

While working with Apigee Edge, you may encounter one or the other error at times due to incorrect request, some issue between Apigee Edge and Backend server or backend server itself returning errors and many more reasons.


As part of the errors, you might have observed error codes such as protocol.http.ProxyTunnelCreationFailed, messaging.adaptors.http.flow.NoActiveTargets, messaging.runtime.RouteFailed etc


Have you wondered what these error codes mean or which component returns these error codes ? Have you asked how can I troubleshoot/resolve these errors myself ?

Then you are the right place. 


This is because, we are very excited to announce the availability of Apigee Edge Runtime Error Catalog (Phase 1), where you can find all the information about runtime errors, such as learning what leads to the errors, how can you troubleshoot and resolve them yourself.


Apigee Edge Runtime Error Catalog - Phase 1

The Runtime error catalog that provides all the information that you need to know about a number of runtime error codes (for non-policy errors) that are returned by the Apigee Edge’s Message Processor component. It includes the following information for each of the error codes:

  • HTTP Status code
  • Error message
  • Possible causes for the error
  • Any associated HTTP specifications and/or product limits
  • Playbooks and videos that contain instructions to diagnose the cause of the error and effective solutions that you can apply to resolve the error yourself (where available)
  • Fix that you can apply to resolve the error yourself


Error Code Categories

The above error catalog currently covers the following error code categories:

  • flow.*
  • messaging.adaptors.http.flow.*
  • messaging.runtime.*
  • protocol.http.*
  • security.util.*

Search Facility

The error catalog also provides a simple Search or facility wherein you can just type the error code, status code or a part of the error message and find all the information pertaining to the specific error code/status code/error message. You can also search for any other content in any field in the Catalog by using this facility.


Note: The information in this Error Catalog can be referred and used by Apigee Edge Public and Private Cloud users.


Please do refer to Apigee Edge Runtime Error Catalog and also share it to your team members or anyone else, who might be interested in this information.

Version history
Last update:
‎09-20-2021 01:50 AM
Updated by: