Apigee Weekly: Grateful Transformation | BOSH for PCF | Worldline

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Market watch

Thinkin’ a lot about less and less? Spark your imagination with John Rethans and Brian Pagano’s long strange trip through digital transformation and music in “What Digital Business Can Learn from the Grateful Dead.”

Product “did you know?”

We’re excited to announce the general availability of the Apigee Edge BOSH Installer for PCF for our Private Cloud 17.05 version. BOSH is an open-source project that unifies release engineering, deployment, and lifecycle management of cloud software. Check it out!

Digital success stories

Worldline is an aggressive, highly successful innovator in payments services across Europe. The company recently announced the Apigee Edge API platform as the cornerstone of its API strategy. Read about it.

Not applicable

olaf domis Are there any documents available to wrap the apigee edge installation into a bosh release so that we can deploy it as a bosh deployment in my own platform ?? Could you please help to find the same?

Version history
Last update:
‎07-17-2017 09:01 AM
Updated by: