Remove Message Processor From pod In Private cloud.

0 2 901

Steps need to follow are :-

1) Deregister server from the organization's environments

curl -X POST http://<management- ip>:8080/v1/o/<orgName>/e/<envName>/servers -d "uuid={uuid}®ion={regionName}&pod={podName}&action=remove"

2) Deregister server’s type curl http://<management-ip>:8080/v1/servers -X POST -d "type={message-processor|router|management- server}®ion={regionName}&pod={podName}&uuid={uuid}&action=remove "

3) Delete the server curl http://<management-ip>:8080/v1/servers/{uuid} -X DELETE

===>To get the Pod name and region name curl http://<management-ip>:8080/v1/servers/<uuid>;

And there would be zero down time change if new message Processors is already added to the environment. But it might have few minimum msg loss if the old mp is also serving traffic in parallel.

Not applicable

I'm having an issue trying to delete some routers I installed by mistake. What follows are the commands and responses. Any help you can give is very appreciated.

## Router I want to remove
curl http://[MGMT_IP]:8080/v1/servers/084da488-df5d-4760-8d46-8d5eb30dbdf8 -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic [REMOVED]" -H "Content-Lngth 0"
  "buildInfo" : {
    "buildNumber" : "jenkins-4G_Release_Sanity-1078 ",
    "buildTimestamp" : "1441067213040",
    "rPMName" : "apigee-rpm-",
    "releaseID" : "1507_01",
    "sCMBranch" : "origin/OPDK_1507",
    "sCMRevision" : "fe7934c8f237a79572af07e393a3da1d301b9573"
  "externalHostName" : "localhost",
  "externalIP" : "[REMOVED]",
  "internalHostName" : "localhost",
  "internalIP" : "[REMOVED]",
  "isUp" : false,
  "pod" : "gateway",
  "reachable" : false,
  "region" : "dc-1",
  "tags" : {
    "property" : [ {
      "name" : "",
      "value" : "1449268648237"
    }, {
      "name" : "Profile",
      "value" : "Router-Netty"
    }, {
      "name" : "startup.time",
      "value" : "4 second(s)"
    }, {
      "name" : "rpc.port",
      "value" : "4527"
    }, {
      "name" : "",
      "value" : "8081"
    }, {
      "name" : "jmx.rmi.port",
      "value" : "1100"
    }, {
      "name" : "up.time",
      "value" : "NA"
    } ]
  "type" : [ "router" ],
  "uUID" : "084da488-df5d-4760-8d46-8d5eb30dbdf8"

## Command from Operations Guide to remove a router
curl http://[MGMT_IP]:8080/v1/servers -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic [REMOVED]" -d "type=router&region=dc-1&pod=gateway&uuid=084da488-df5d-4760-8d46-8d5eb30dbdf8&action=remove"

## Command from Operations Guide to delete a router
curl http://[MGMT_IP]:8080/v1/servers/084da488-df5d-4760-8d46-8d5eb30dbdf8 -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Basic [REMOVED]" 
  "code" : "registration.ServerNotInTypes",
  "message" : "Server 084da488-df5d-4760-8d46-8d5eb30dbdf8 is not of any of the specified types [router]",
  "contexts" : [ ]
Not applicable

APIs documented here now

However for Router, I observed that Delete the server is alone enough to remove a router.

Version history
Last update:
‎07-20-2015 03:22 AM
Updated by: