How to perform gesture detection in a Flutter application


Gestures are a key part of the Flutter toolkit. They allow you to create interactive and responsive interfaces that respond to user input in a fluid and natural way. In this article, we'll take a look at how to use gestures in your Flutter applications.

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First, let's take a look at the different types of gestures that are available in Flutter. There are four main types of gestures:

  1. Tap: A tap gesture is triggered when the user taps on a surface.
  2. Drag: A drag gesture is triggered when the user starts to drag their finger across a surface.
  3. Swipe: A swipe gesture is triggered when the user starts to swipe their finger across a surface.
  4. Pinch: A pinch gesture is triggered when the user starts to pinch their fingers together on a surface.

Now that we know the different types of gestures, let's take a look at how to use them in our Flutter applications. To use a gesture in your Flutter application, you need to first import the gesture package. This can be done by adding the following line to your imports:


import 'package:flutter/gesture.dart';


Once you have imported the gesture package, you can start using gestures in your code.

Tap gesture

To use a tap gesture, you need to create a TapGestureRecognizer. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


TapGestureRecognizer tapGestureRecognizer = TapGestureRecognizer();


Once you have created a TapGestureRecognizer, you need to add it to the GestureRecognizerDetector. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


GestureRecognizerDetector gestureRecognizerDetector = GestureRecognizerDetector();


Finally, you need to add the GestureRecognizerDetector to your Widget. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


Widget myWidget = Widget();
myWidget.gestureDetector = gestureRecognizerDetector;
return myWidget;


Drag gesture

To use a drag gesture, you need to create a DragGestureRecognizer. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


DragGestureRecognizer dragGestureRecognizer = DragGestureRecognizer();


Once you have created a DragGestureRecognizer, you need to add it to the GestureRecognizerDetector. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


GestureRecognizerDetector gestureRecognizerDetector = GestureRecognizerDetector();


Finally, you need to add the GestureRecognizerDetector to your Widget. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


Widget myWidget = Widget();
myWidget.gestureDetector = gestureRecognizerDetector;
return myWidget;


Swipe gesture

To use a swipe gesture, you need to create a SwipeGestureRecognizer. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


SwipeGestureRecognizer swipeGestureRecognizer = SwipeGestureRecognizer();


Once you have created a SwipeGestureRecognizer, you need to add it to the GestureRecognizerDetector. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


GestureRecognizerDetector gestureRecognizerDetector = GestureRecognizerDetector();


Finally, you need to add the GestureRecognizerDetector to your Widget. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


Widget myWidget = Widget();
myWidget.gestureDetector = gestureRecognizerDetector;
return myWidget;


Pinch gesture

To use a pinch gesture, you need to create a PinchGestureRecognizer. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


PinchGestureRecognizer pinchGestureRecognizer = PinchGestureRecognizer();


Once you have created a PinchGestureRecognizer, you need to add it to the GestureRecognizerDetector. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


GestureRecognizerDetector gestureRecognizerDetector = GestureRecognizerDetector();


Finally, you need to add the GestureRecognizerDetector to your Widget. This can be done by adding the following line to your code:


Widget myWidget = Widget();
myWidget.gestureDetector = gestureRecognizerDetector;
return myWidget;


That's all there is to using gestures in your Flutter applications! I hope this article has been helpful.

Disclaimer: All the sample codes in this document are point in time information which may change depending on the time you are reading this blog.

Authored by:

  • Shivank Awasthi (@shivankawasthi) Strategic Cloud Engineer, Google
  • Utkarsh Bhardwaj (@bhardwaju) Cloud Migration Consultant, Google

Video by:

  • Amit Dutta, (@amitdutta), Strategic Cloud Engineer, Google