BigQuery Query doesn't save location


Currently I'm stuck on some strange issue. When I try to create scheduled query I set location via terraform on Belgium. But every time when I try to execute it I'm getting error that Dataset doesn't exist in the US. When I checked Query Settings location is set by default ( US ). He is constantly settings that query to check US instead the region that I set.



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Community Manager

Hi @Koricanac023,

Interesting and tricky! There are a few possible explanations for this issue.

First, it's possible that the Terraform configuration is not correctly setting the location of the dataset. Make sure that you are using the correct provider and that you are setting the correct region.

Second, it's possible that the Google Cloud Platform console is not correctly displaying the location of the dataset. Try refreshing the console or clearing your browser's cache.

Third, it's possible that there is a problem with the Google Cloud Platform API. If you are using the API to create the scheduled query, try using a different API client or try using the API console.

If you are still having trouble, you can contact Google Cloud Platform support for assistance.