Can't delete datalake in dataplex even though it doesn't have zones and resources

I've been trying to delete my datalake in Dataplex but I keep getting this error:

"Resource '"projects/link-179609/locations/europe-west1/lakes/analytics"' has nested resources. If the API supports cascading delete, set 'force' to true to delete it and its nested resources."

Documentation says, that nested sources are zones and resources.

My data lake doesn't have either. How do I force deletion? 



If your Dataplex data lake does not have any zones or resources and you still cannot delete it, it suggests there might be an issue with the Dataplex service recognizing the current state of your data lake. Unfortunately, Google Cloud Dataplex does not provide a direct "force delete" option for data lakes. Here are some steps you can take to address this issue:

  1. Recheck for Hidden Dependencies:

    • Even if it appears that there are no zones or resources, it's worth double-checking. Sometimes, dependencies or configurations might not be immediately visible or might not have updated correctly in the UI.
    • Ensure that you have navigated through all sections of the data lake settings in the Dataplex console to confirm there are no remaining assets or configurations.
  2. Use Google Cloud CLI:

    • While the Google Cloud Console (UI) might not show any resources, using the Google Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) can sometimes provide more detailed information or different options.
    • You can list resources in your data lake using the CLI to ensure that it's indeed empty.
  3. Contact Google Cloud Support:

    • If you've confirmed that there are no zones or resources and you're still unable to delete the data lake, the next step is to contact Google Cloud Support.
    • Provide them with details of your issue. There might be hidden dependencies or states not visible through the console or CLI, which Google Cloud Support can help identify and resolve.

Look carefully at the lake.  Does it have zones defined within it?  I believe you can't delete the lake until the zones have been removed.