Dataproc Metastore not syncing metadata to Data Catalog


we have created a metastore and it has a database and table, post editing the metastore and enabling the Data Catalog Sync option, even after 6 hours the tables, database details, metadata are being synced to Data Catalog.

But when creating the metastore with Data Catalog Sync Enabled then it is working, it is not working only when updating the metastore and trying to sync the already existing metadata.

Please let us know, what might be the reason.

Thanks, Phani

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If you're experiencing issues with Dataproc Metastore metadata not syncing to Data Catalog after enabling the sync feature or making updates, there are several potential causes and troubleshooting steps to consider:

Potential Causes

  1. Synchronization Delays: Metadata syncing can take up to 6 hours. If it's been less time, it may simply be a matter of waiting a bit longer. Always refer to the latest Google Cloud documentation for the most current timeframes.

  2. Configuration Changes: Review any recent changes to your Metastore's configuration. Ensure that these changes haven't impacted the sync feature's functionality.

  3. Permissions Issues: The Dataproc Metastore service account requires specific permissions to interact with Data Catalog. Ensure that all necessary permissions are correctly configured.

  4. Network Connectivity: Verify that there are no network configurations, such as firewall rules or VPC settings, that might be blocking communication between Dataproc Metastore and Data Catalog.

  5. Bugs or Limitations: Stay informed about any known bugs or limitations with Dataproc Metastore or Data Catalog by checking Google Cloud's issue tracker and forums.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check Logs:

    • Navigate to Cloud Logging and examine the metadata publishing logs for Dataproc Metastore. Use the filter textPayload=~".*Publish.*" to find relevant entries. Look for error messages that could indicate what's going wrong.

  2. Verify Permissions:

    • Ensure the Dataproc Metastore service account has the necessary IAM roles, such as roles/datacatalog.tagTemplateOwner and roles/datacatalog.searcher at the project level. Also, confirm it has permission if your Dataproc cluster and Metastore are in different projects.

  3. Review Network Configuration:

    • Check for any firewall rules or network policies that could be preventing communication between Dataproc Metastore and Data Catalog. Google Cloud documentation provides guidelines on required network configurations for these services.

  4. Test with a New Table:

    • Create a new table in your Metastore and see if its metadata syncs with Data Catalog. This can help determine if the issue affects all metadata or is isolated to specific items.

  5. Restart Metastore Service:

    • Consider restarting your Dataproc Metastore service. This action can sometimes resolve temporary issues but proceed with caution to avoid disrupting your production environment.

  6. Consider Support:

    • If the issue persists, contact Google Cloud Support. Provide them with detailed information about your project, the steps you've taken, and any relevant logs. This can help expedite the troubleshooting process.

Troubleshooting issues with Dataproc Metastore and Data Catalog requires a methodical approach. By carefully reviewing configurations, permissions, and network settings, and by consulting logs and Google Cloud resources, you can identify and resolve many common issues. For more complex problems, Google Cloud Support is an invaluable resource.