Error when trying to pin a dataset to the explorer

Just got started with bigquery and trying to pin a public dataset to the explorer so that I can start writing some SQL queries to analyze the data. I am using the dataset called bigquery-public-data.thelook_ecommerce and when I try to pin it , I see this error.Unable to star/unstar resource. The resource may not be indexed by DataCatalog. How do I resolve this? Did I not set something up initially?


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also get this - when i click "show starred" is has the parent project with all the datasets, but that doesn't seem to be starred.

I can only star datasets, not views/tables etc

The good news ... it isn't you ... I've been running my Google Cloud projects great for the longest time and consider my projects solid.

The bad news ...  (or maybe its good news) ... I was able to trivially recreate the issue resulting in the following:

Screenshot 2023-01-11 11.03.56 PM.png

I'm going to suggest that Google has a bug that we need to look into.  For SURE though ... it is NOT anything you have done.  Your setup is just fine.  I'm sorry this happened to you ... we'll look into it.  In the meantime, hopefully you can still run your queries against the table ... just not have the convenience of having them pinned and filtered.

I have created a defect report inside Google known as b/265206091.

@kolban I can't locate this b/265206091

Is there any update on this? This is becoming really annoying. I made a production bug and wasn't able to debug the problem quick enough because oif this bug!


Honestly google, this is ridiculous that I CAN create something that I CAN'T access.. 

Nice one kolban, thanks

Oh, I have same problem. It's really hard to find it, cause it's also not listed on the left panel. What's wrong with that configuration? Thankfully I can get to it written URL but that's nto something that I'd expect from modern tools

Still same problem! not solved