Namespace can not be null.

Hello friends, after updating Data Fusion to version 6.10.0, when creating or duplicating a replication task, I get an error (Namespace cannot be null.) and I can't do anything about it. What are the possible solutions to the problem?



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The "Namespace cannot be null" error in Google Cloud Data Fusion after updating to version 6.10.0, specifically when creating or duplicating a replication task, suggests a problem related to the configuration or internal handling of namespaces within the updated version. Here's a more focused approach to troubleshooting and resolving this issue:

  1. Verify Namespace Existence and Permissions:

    • Existence: Confirm that the namespace you are working within exists. In Data Fusion, namespaces are used to isolate resources and pipelines. If the namespace was somehow removed or not properly recognized after the update, this could lead to the error.

    • Permissions: Ensure your Google Cloud IAM role has sufficient permissions to access and modify namespaces within Data Fusion. The required permission might be more specific, such as datafusion.instances.update or similar, depending on the operation you're attempting.

  2. Check for Known Issues and Updates:

    • Given that the error surfaced after an update to version 6.10.0, review the Google Cloud Data Fusion release notes and known issues for this version. Sometimes, post-release, specific bugs or issues are identified and documented by the vendor with suggested workarounds or timelines for fixes.

  3. Temporary Workaround:

    • If the issue is identified as a bug in version 6.10.0, a temporary workaround might involve using an alternative method to create or duplicate the replication task, if available, or waiting for a patch or update from Google that addresses the issue.

  4. Contact Google Cloud Support:

    • If the above steps do not resolve the issue, the most direct path to a solution may be to contact Google Cloud Support. Provide them with detailed information about your Data Fusion instance, the actions leading up to the error, and any logs or error messages you have. Google Cloud's support team can offer guidance specific to your situation and, if it's a new or known bug, they can escalate it internally.

Important Considerations:

  • Documentation and Community: Check Google Cloud's documentation and community forums for any similar reports from other users. Sometimes, the community might offer a workaround or additional insight not yet covered in official documentation.

  • Logs and Error Messages: Collect and review any detailed logs or error messages related to the error. These details can be crucial for diagnosing the problem, especially in communications with support or when searching for solutions.

The "Namespace cannot be null" error requires a focused approach that considers the specific context of namespace handling within Google Cloud Data Fusion, especially in light of recent updates. By verifying configurations, checking for known issues, and engaging with Google Cloud Support, you can identify and implement a solution more effectively.

I cant find anything about this error(

Recreate data fusion 6.9.2 version and all ok with imported task. 

For me this was solution.

Thanks for sharing, Even though you've found a workaround, consider reporting the issue to Google Cloud Support. This can help them identify and prioritize a fix in future releases, benefiting the wider user community.