PubSub permissions error while publishing using google cloud dependencies

Hello community!

We are switching from spring based pubsub dependencies to Google cloud's pubsub dependency by following

We are getting the below error when we try to publish:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: PERMISSION_DENIED: User not authorized to perform this action. 

Any idea on what permissions we are missing here?

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Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

  1. Check IAM Permissions: Ensure that the user or service account you are using to publish messages has the necessary permissions. For publishing messages to a topic, the required permission is pubsub.topics.publish. You can assign roles like roles/pubsub.publisher to the user or service account, which includes this permission.

  2. Verify Service Account: If you are using a service account, make sure it is correctly configured in your application. Ensure that the application is using the correct service account key file and that this service account has the necessary permissions.

  3. Review Topic Name: Double-check the name of the topic you are trying to publish to. Sometimes, a simple typo in the topic name can lead to permission issues, as the topic might not exist or the service account might not have permissions for that specific topic.

  4. Project Consistency: Ensure that the topic you are trying to publish to is in the same Google Cloud project as the service account or user credentials you are using. Cross-project access requires additional configuration and permissions.

  5. Audit Logs: Check Google Cloud's audit logs for more details on the permission denial. This can give you more context on what's missing or misconfigured.

  6. Update Google Cloud SDK and Libraries: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Google Cloud SDK and the Google Cloud Pub/Sub client libraries. Sometimes, issues can arise from using outdated versions.

  7. Authentication Environment Variables: If you are using environment variables for authentication (like GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS), ensure that they are set correctly and pointing to the right service account key file.