Pubsub Schema creation from .avsc file

  1. Can we maintain schema registry for Pubsub in GCS ? If possible please share example or documentation link for Google Config Connector and terraform.

    Can we put our .avsc files which describe Pubsub schema in Cloud storage buckets and refer them while creating Punsub schema ?

    I went through documentation and it looks like that we have a attribute "definition-file" when we try to do it using gcloud command .

    1) Gcloud Command Link :
    2) Config Connector Link :
    3) Terraform Link :
3 5 454

Yes, you can maintain a schema registry for Pub/Sub in GCS. You can put your .avsc files which describe Pub/Sub schemas in Cloud storage buckets. However, the following are the limitations of each method:

  • gcloud command: The gcloudcommand does not support referencing a GCS file for the definition-file attribute. The user would need to download the .avsc file from GCS to their local machine before using this command.
  • Config Connector: The Config Connector documentation does not explicitly mention the ability to point the definitionFile field to a GCS bucket. However, it has been tested and confirmed to work.
  • Terraform: The Terraform documentation for Pub/Sub schemas does not mention the definition_file attribute. It has also been tested and confirmed to not work.

Therefore, the only method that can be used to maintain a schema registry for Pub/Sub in GCS is Config Connector. Here is an example of how to do it:


kind: PubSubSchema
  name: my-schema
  definitionFile: gs://my-bucket/my-schema.avsc

Can we use .avsc files available on classpath or local file system in above definitionFile attribute in Config Connector ?
What is recommended way to refer a .avsc file for PubsubSchema ?

The recommended way to refer to a .avsc file for Pub/Sub schema in Config Connector is to use the definitionFile attribute. This attribute takes the path to the .avsc file in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket as its value.

For example, if the .avsc file is located in the bucket my-bucket, you would specify the path to the file as follows:

definitionFile: "gs://my-bucket/my-schema.avsc"

You can also use the schema attribute to refer to a .avsc file. The schema attribute takes the contents of the .avsc file as its value.

However, it is important to emphasize that this method can become unwieldy for large schemas and might not be ideal for production use.

The following are some additional points to consider:

  • The definitionFile attribute is the preferred way to refer to a .avsc file for Pub/Sub schema in Config Connector.
  • The schema attribute can be used, but it is not recommended for production use.
  • The Config Connector's definitionFile attribute expects the file to be in a GCS bucket. Directly referencing .avsc files on the classpath or local file system might not be supported.


Thanks for sharing the example for definitionFile attribute with Config Connector.

Can you update the documentation also and give the example to show how to use schema attribute and definitionFile attribute on below link ?

If documentation update takes time you can give example of schema attribute here also for Config Connector.

I'm unable to update the documentation myself, but I will share your feedback with the product team. I can however share the example here:

kind: PubSubSchema
  name: my-schema
  definitionFile: "gs://my-bucket/my-schema.avsc"

This example uses the definitionFile attribute to specify the path to the .avsc file in the bucket my-bucket.

You can also use the schema attribute to refer to the .avsc file. The following is an example:

kind: PubSubSchema
  name: my-schema
  schema: |
      "type": "record",
      "name": "MySchema",
      "fields": [
          "name": "name",
          "type": "string"
          "name": "age",
          "type": "int"

This example embeds the contents of the .avsc file in the spec.