Unable to connect a BigQuery table as a data source. Firebase Template(?) recognized.

When trying to connect a new BQ table to a lookerstudio report, I ran into a problem. The table was recognized as having a (?) Firebase configuration. Trying to connect with the "Events" item selected results in an error, so I cannot connect this table as a data source.


Firebase is not connected to this dataset, and other tables from the dataset are connected normally.

Moreover, the schema and data in this table almost completely match another table in the same dataset, which was not recognized as related to Firebase.

The difference between these tables is that the problematic one is sharded by date.

I need to get rid of this association with Firebase. Any information may be useful. Thanks


UPD. I have made another table with the same data and schema, but not sharded - it connects well and no Firebase mentioned. But I still need sharded one, therefore, any information is welcome.
The problem was the name of the table. The name events_aggregated_YYYYMMDD is 'special' and regardless of the actual state of the dataset and the data in the table, a table with this name will be interpreted as related to Firebase/Analytics. This is absolutely shocking to me. I didn't find any relevant information in the documentation, in the reddit threads, or in the google cloud community. Such a decision - through the interpretation of the name without reservation and explicit mention of it in the documentation is frustrating. Not the kind of thing you'd expect from Google.
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