Database Migration Service - Private Connection and Connection Profile

Hello - 

We are in the process of converting some of our DMS Connection Profiles and Private Connections to IaC, using Terraform. During the process, we found a few discrepancies that we would like to get some clarity on:

1. Connection Profile: The Terraform resource "google_database_migration_service_connection_profile", is missing "Amazon RDS MySQL" block support? Is the expectation to use MySQL block to configure the source Database connection parameters? 
2. Follow-up question on this is, on the UI - we are able to create a connection profile with the Engine type "Amazon RDS MySQL" and "MySQL" - Whats different with each of these, that we have two types of engines?
3. Private Connection: The Terraform resource "google_database_migration_service_private_connection", requests for A free subnet for peering, that is a CIDR of /29 ? This same set of configuration is not required when we set this Private Connection on the UI. Could someone explain whats the purpose of this CIDR.


Krishna Thirumalasetty
Senior Software Engineer
Roku Inc.

2 1 127

Hi @krishnat,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

To answer your questions:

  1. At the time of writing, we have limited support in DMS using Terraform. Based on this documentation on google_database_migration_service_connection_profile, only cloud SQL, postgreSQL, Oracle and AlloyDB are available. You may file a feature request so that hashicorp/Terraform could take a look at this however we don't have ETA for this and only hashicorp/Terraform could provide updates.
  2. Please provide a screenshot. You may also check the following documentation on creating a connection profile:
  3. Based on this documentation on private services access:
    Each Google service creates a subnet in which to provision resources. The subnet's IP address range is a CIDR block that comes from the allocated IP address range. The CIDR block is chosen by the service, and typically has a /29 to /24 IP address range. You cannot modify the service producer's subnet. A service provisions new resources in existing regional subnets that were previously created by that service. If a subnet is full, the service creates a new subnet in the same region.

Hope this helps.