You've reached your limit of 200 composite indexes in Firestore.

You've reached your limit of 200 composite indexes. To create new composite indexes, you'll need to delete some first.

even though I've used 215 and my billing account is enabled.

how to resolve it.

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Firestore has a limit of 200 composite indexes, and you're currently exceeding this limit with 215 composite indexes.

Here's how to resolve this:

  1. Analyze and Optimize Your Indexes:

    • Review your existing composite indexes and identify any that are no longer necessary.
    • Look for opportunities to combine related indexes to reduce their total number.
    • Consider whether single-field indexes could be used instead of composite indexes for certain queries.
  2. Delete Unused Indexes:

    • Delete any indexes you identified as unnecessary in step 1. This will free up space for new indexes.
  3. Contact Google Cloud Support:

    • If you still require more indexes despite optimizing and deleting unused ones, contact Google Cloud Support. They can help you assess your needs and potentially provide guidance on managing your indexes more effectively.

Additional Resources:

Remember, it's important to strike a balance between using enough indexes to support your queries while not exceeding the limit unnecessarily. Optimizing your indexes and removing unused ones can help you stay within the limits and maintain efficient database performance.