Does CPanel come with a dedicated IP?

Do all the versions of cPanel come with a dedicated IP? Meaning the shared-core and standard or do only the standard ones come with a dedicated IP?

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Hi @taylor324242 ,

I cannot find a public or official documentation that mentions of cPanel or dedicated IP addresses. But, you can check if an account has a dedicated IP address or not, you can use the cPanel API. Here's a code snippet for a general cPanel API call to get a list of accounts and their IP addresses:


# Replace YOUR_API_USER and YOUR_API_KEY with your actual cPanel API credentials

# Fetch the list of accounts and their IP addresses
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://your_server_ip:2087/cpanel/json-api/listaccts' \
--user "$API_USER:$API_KEY" | jq '.data[].ipaddress' 

Let me know if this helps.