Need help migrating from java 8

Hi, im migrating my AppEngine cloud endpoints server from Java 8 and now I'm getting a lot of errors from the Memcache service. which I'm not sure how to handle them. any help will be appreciated. my server is using the Memcache everywhere so I cant remove it. any help will be appreciated.

for example: 

Service error in memcache Memcache put: exception setting 1 key (mitracks_5942694486999040) to '[]' at$RpcResponseHandler.handleApiProxyException( at$RpcResponseHandlerForPut.handleApiProxyException( at$1.absorbParentException( at 

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Hi @cojalvo,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Please check this documentation on differences between Java 8 and Java 11+ as you may have missed some steps when migrating from Java 8 to Java 11 or later.

Please take note of the following when performing the migration process:

Please check this documentation on migrating off of legacy bundled services for additional information if you don't want to use legacy bundled services for your project.

Hope this helps.