Using Google Build/Run with Free Tier

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


I have a Free Tier GCP account and would like to export a .vmdk image of my Debian 12 boot disk.  The process requires Cloud Build to be enabled.

According to, I should have 120 min of Cloud Build time per day.  However, I get the following error instead:

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.images.export) FAILED_PRECONDITION: failed precondition: due to quota restrictions, cannot run builds in this region. Please contact support.

My zone is 'us-west1-a' and my region is 'us-west1'. Here is my incantation (the first 2 commands succeed):

gcloud storage buckets create gs://foosystems-bucket --project=foosystems-server --location=us-west1 --uniform-bucket-level-access

gcloud compute images create foosystems-vm-image --source-disk=web-server --source-disk-zone=us-west1-a

gcloud compute images export --destination-uri=gs://foosystems-bucket/foosystems-vm-image.vmdk --image=foosystems-vm-image --export-format=vmdk

Thank you.  I can also post the output of gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies if that would be helpful.


0 1 120

Hi @zll,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!


  1. Try a different region with available quota. Check regional quotas here:
  2. Wait until the next day if you just used your daily quota (120 minutes).
  3. Request a quota increase (limited option): Contact Google Cloud support.
  4. Upgrade to a paid plan for higher quotas if needed.

Additional notes:

  • Posting specific IAM policies info is not necessary.
  • Check project/region and Cloud Build service status.