cloud build does not recognize my build directory

I am trying to run a somewhat sophisticated build - a Cloud Run job deployed from a Cloud Build trigger copying sources from a git repo, it also uses some secrets from Secret Manager. I keep getting an error from docker as if I had not specified the build directory, even though I did, as you can see from my cloudbuild.yaml. I have also seen this post and the last message in it, but it did not help, unfortunately. What am I doing incorrectly?

The error is :

"docker build" requires exactly 1 argument.

The log from the builder:

HEAD is now at 1d904ab WIP


Starting Step #0 - "build image"

Step #0 - "build image": Already have image (with digest):

Step #0 - "build image": "docker build" requires exactly 1 argument.

Step #0 - "build image": See 'docker build --help'.

Step #0 - "build image":

Step #0 - "build image": Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -

Step #0 - "build image":

Step #0 - "build image": Build an image from a Dockerfile

Finished Step #0 - "build image"


ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1

my cloudbuild.yaml:

- id: "build image"
name: ""
entrypoint: 'bash'
['-c', 'docker build --build-arg CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY=$$PRIVATE_KEY --build-arg CONTAINER_PUBLIC_KEY=$$PUBLIC_KEY -t${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME} .']
secretEnv: [ 'PRIVATE_KEY', 'PUBLIC_KEY' ]
- id: "push image"
name: ""
args: [ "push", "${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME}" ]

- id: "deploy to cloud run"
name: ''
entrypoint: gcloud
'beta', 'run', '${_JOB_NAME}',
'--image', '${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME}',
'--region', '${_REGION}',
'--set-env-vars', "BUCKET=${_BUCKET}",
'--set-env-vars', "MNT_DIR=${_MNT_DIR}"
- versionName: "projects/${_PROJECT_ID_NUMBER}/secrets/${_CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY_SECRET_NAME}/versions/latest"
- versionName: "projects/${_PROJECT_ID_NUMBER}/secrets/${_CONTAINER_PUBLIC_KEY_SECRET_NAME}/versions/latest"

Solved Solved
0 5 11.7K

I have managed to figure out what was causing the issue, below is the correct argument string (it goes in the args):

["-c", "docker build --build-arg 'CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY=$$PRIVATE_KEY' --build-arg 'CONTAINER_PUBLIC_KEY=$$PUBLIC_KEY' -t${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME} ."]

The problem was the lack of single quotes around build-args' values. Basically, in this context a `build-arg` value is a single string, not a key-value pair.

View solution in original post


Hi @vadim-vi,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

It looks like the problem is with the `build image` step in your Cloud Build configuration. The `docker build` command is being called with no arguments, which is causing the error you're seeing.
To fix the issue, you need to specify the path to your Dockerfile as an argument to the `docker build` command. This should be the first argument after the `docker build` command itself. For example:
docker build .
docker build /path/to/Dockerfile​

You can specify this in your Cloud Build configuration by modifying the args field of the build image step like this:
  - id: "build image"
    name: ""
    entrypoint: 'bash'
      ['-c', 'docker build --build-arg CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY=$$PRIVATE_KEY --build-arg CONTAINER_PUBLIC_KEY=$$PUBLIC_KEY -t${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME} /path/to/Dockerfile']
    secretEnv: [ 'PRIVATE_KEY', 'PUBLIC_KEY' ]
This should fix the error you're seeing and allow the build image step to complete successfully.

Thank you.

Hello, thanks for your reply,

But surely I do have the build directory argument - it is right in the end of my bash command (the dot). 

Moreover, I believe that the issue is somehow related to build args in my command - I tried running the build without them, and cloud build actually started building the image. I suspect that it might be some sort of issue with the parsing of build args in this context?

Hi @vadim-vi,

Thanks for the feedback.

You are correct that the `.` at the end of your `docker build` command does specify the build directory, so the error message you are seeing is not accurate.
It's possible that the issue is related to the `--build-arg` flags in your `docker build` command. These flags are used to pass build-time variables to the `Dockerfile`, and they need to be specified before the `-t` flag, which specifies the name and optionally a tag in the `name:tag` format to the name of the image in the repository.
Try modifying your `args` field like this:
      ['-c', 'docker build --build-arg CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY=$$PRIVATE_KEY --build-arg CONTAINER_PUBLIC_KEY=$$PUBLIC_KEY . -t${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME}']
This should fix the issue and allow the `build image` step to complete successfully.
If this doesn't fix the issue, it's possible that there is some other problem with your Cloud Build configuration or the resources it is trying to use. You might want to check the permissions of the secrets you are trying to use and make sure they are correctly configured and accessible to Cloud Build. You can also try running the `docker build` command manually on your local machine to see if there are any issues with the command itself.


In fact, I did try running it on the local machine (with dummy data for secrets) and it actually built an image. 

I have already checked the permissions on secrets, and no, that was not the issue, because earlier when I did have problems with permissions, cloud build explicitly reported that. Once I set the permissions properly, that error disappeared and I encountered the "one argument" issue.

What really puzzles me is that I basically took the code from here, and the post indicates that this command should work, but it does not!



I have managed to figure out what was causing the issue, below is the correct argument string (it goes in the args):

["-c", "docker build --build-arg 'CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY=$$PRIVATE_KEY' --build-arg 'CONTAINER_PUBLIC_KEY=$$PUBLIC_KEY' -t${PROJECT_ID}/${_JOB_NAME} ."]

The problem was the lack of single quotes around build-args' values. Basically, in this context a `build-arg` value is a single string, not a key-value pair.