Cookieless Embed Still need domain added to Embed Allow List?

Cookieless embed using Embed-SDK works as long as the domain is also added to Domain AllowList. We have hundreds if not thousands of custom domains (cannot use wildcard) which would be a lot of manual work to add by using admin panel Platform → Embed → Domain allowlist. Is there a way to do this using API?

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@max-1680220746 , I hope you get the solution for your problem. Here I am sharing possible solution which might help to others who have similar issue.

Simple answer of your question is, yes you can do so by API also.

you can refer this link

To use either API, the embedding application must be able to authenticate into the Looker API with admin privileges. The embed domain must also either be listed in the Embed Domain Allowlist, or, if using Looker 23.8 or later, the embed domain can be included when the cookieless session is acquired.

Hope this helps to others.