Dashboard filters not retaining filters after making changes

After creating and saving a dashboard, the Looker filters do not retain their filters after making additional dashboard changes. The only workaround I have found so far to this issue is to re-create the dashboard.  I have also tried to re-add the variables to the dashboard and hope the filters stay but this rarely works.  Has anyone else run into this and if so, does anyone have a solution or a workaround?  

0 6 2,511

Hi Nstrauss,

Are you saving the changes when editing?


If so, I suggest reviewing the console log of the browser to see if there is any error in background:


To open the developer console window on Chrome, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+J” (on Windows) or “Option” + “J” (on Mac)



Hi Leo,

Thank you for your quick response!  I am saving the changes as I am editing but I have not checked out the console browser; I will give that a go!

Another option is to check the Configure Default Value setting, you have to click a couple of times to edit the filter.



Hi, I'm also facing the same issue. Is there any solution for this probelm? the filters keep going away and it is really frustrating 

Same issue... is there a fix?

Chiming in again -- it looks like the "official" way to do this is to update the "Configure Default Value" entry when you drill into a filer (Click the three dots by a specific filter, and then edit it under the Settings tab). Just changing it through the normal report and then clicking Save won't change anything. This isn't the best UI but the underlying functionality is there.

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