Single Value Font Size Resizing Issue

Hi !

I am creating some single value looks

When I resize the 85% box then the font reduces even though it will fit

Any idea why this might be happening and if there is something I can do to fix this?

My only thought is the ‘85%’ look uses a calculation to create the number

Many thanks,


1 2 339

Hi ! I’ve done some more investigation and think it is related to the metric being a table calculation. I created the metric another way using a derived table and the 85% scales ok.

Any ideas why a calculated field would scale in a different way welcome!

I’ve found what’s causing this - the original value before formatting as percentage is 0.845555555555. The spacing logic uses this rather than the formatted 85%. To fix this issue (or perhaps feature) is to use round in the table calculation to limit the decimal places to 2 i.e.

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