How do I embed my vimeo video into my App?

I want to embed video from Vimeo. However, all I see are examples using YouTube. Please advise. Thank you!

Status Open
8 10 599
Silver 5
Silver 5

Unfortunately video embedding other than YouTube is not possible right at the moment. However it might be better if we move this post up to Feature Requests.
@tony @Steve can you give a hand pls.? Thnx.

Gold 4
Gold 4

You got my vote! Wait…

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

This would be a very welcome feature. The video content of the app with training and instruction is where a lot of the IP is. YouTubes the share button makes it all publicly available at the whim of a user. Vimeo solves that problem quickly and easily

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Silver 1
Silver 1

Yes, it would be great to embed from other services.  Vimeo or even if we could embed a video from an Office 365 location like a sharepoint site or onedrive location.


Silver 1
Silver 1

@juliabao Ahh, Thank you for this!  I'm not that familiar with Vimeo, so it is good to know this is an option!

I should look to see if there is a way to do this over the office online API as well.

Gold 5
Gold 5

@SmartsheetGuru You can embed a video if you use a relative path to it

Silver 1
Silver 1

This thread contains a way to incorporate a Vimeo file in your app which I have used and this works

Silver 1
Silver 1

@SkrOYC @Jared12345 Thank you both for the additional reponses!

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Are there any updates on this? We would love to add Vimeo links.