How to prevent data loss

So the most Challenging problem we are facing is the prevent data from loss and the loss can done any type such as Virus or some other causes

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Are you concerned more about disaster recovery to ensure that you have secure backups in case something gets lost?

Or more about preventing exfiltration?   A few services to lookin to related to this?

  1. Event Threat Detection (docs) Continuously monitors your organization or projects to identifies threats within your systems in near-real time including risk like extractions of data in systems like BigQuery or CloudSQL
  2. Sensitive Data Protection (docs | blog) Help you monitor for sensitive data and ensure it has certain controls in place (e.g. column level policy).  
  3. VPC-Service Controls (docs) Enforce a security perimeter to help reduce the risk of data exfiltration or data breach.

Hope these help.