Unable to enable Kerberos Unconstrained/Constrained Delegation in Managed AD

New Member

I've spun up a Managed Active Directory in GCP, along with a couple of servers with the aim of testing out some functionality related to Active Directory constrained and unconstrained delegation.

However, it appears I don't have permissions to enable this. It's unclear whether this is deliberate or not.

I am logged on as the domain "setupadmin" account. I use the Active Directory Users and Computers application to attempt to enable constrained delegation on a server like so:


On Apply, I get "Access is denied":


Is this is a deliberate restriction? Am I going to need to set up an Active Directory manually in GCP to test this out?


(Managed AD is listed under Security, but no appropriate label exists, so if there is a more appropriate place for this then let me know)

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