google sites cookie opt-in gdpr

Good Morning,

after a longer conversation with the google support team, i was supposed to post my problem in this support forum.

When setting up a google site with the "new sites", there is a google analytics cookie enabled by default. There is no prior opt-in available as required by gdpr.

Further there seems to be no way to implement third party scripts/tools that changes this behavior in a manor that makes the site gdpr compliant.

I was Informed that the default information banner showed by google is not enough, because even if it informs the user about the presence of cookies, and links to googles cookies policy, it gives no way to NOT ENABLE the cookie, because its already enabled and loaded prior any consent.


My request is: or make a statement that clarifies that a google side, made available on the public internet, with the existing Cookie banner is gdpr compliant, that google takes the responsibility for this, and this way I as site owner am protected from lawsuits because of the missing cookie-opt in or otherwise modify the cookie banner in a way that the user has to opt-in prior to loading the cookie.







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Clearly the banner as is it now (January 24) is not acceptable. It does not provide any opt-out and it's not required at-all by the publisher. Plus in regulation such as the Swiss DPA or GDRP there is the notion of "Privacy by default" which requires "opt-in" and "not opt-out". 

Google should let publisher on "Google Site" decide of their own Privacy Policy. 

"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies."