Backup and DR

Hi Team,


We want to automate the process of adding the new compute en handgine VMs to the backup and Dr appliance


We have created seperate logical groups for each project and applied the backup template on each of these at the logical group level


Is there a way to automate the process of adding the newl discovered instance to the logical group through script as we dont want to handle this from the management console

We are aware of but this doesnot talk about adding instances to a particular logical group or creating a logical logical via commands


Anyone has ever tried automating this


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With the new 'Automatic BackupDR Protection with Google Cloud Tags' feature, you can easily use Google Cloud tags to create backup policies for your Compute Engine VMs. For more information refer

Feel free to also follow the guided demo here:

Hi Rajesh,

When trying to create the profile for dynamic protection tags the templates are getting listed but the profiles are not. Does anything needs to be checked?

To create, update, and delete Dynamic Protection Tags, you need to have one of the following roles:

  • Backup and DR Admin
  • Backup and DR Backup User
  • Backup and DR User V2
  • Project Editor
  • Project Owner
  • a custom role that includes the following permissions:
  • backupdr.managementServers.listDynamicProtection
  • backupdr.managementServers.getDynamicProtection
  • backupdr.managementServers.createDynamicProtection
  • backupdr.managementServers.deleteDynamicProtection
  • compute.instances.listEffectiveTags

For more information refer

Hi Rajesh,

Already have project owner role assigned which ha all the above mentioned permissions, still dont see the profile in the drop down

Ensure the Backup Appliance is running a supported version and is the Standard type for Compute Engine VMs

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 9.17.01 AM.png

Thanks Rajesh that helped, upgrading the Backup appliance to the supported version for this feature