Batch - Batch runs a custom image and loses dot-separated environment variables


In the process of using Batch, I use dot-separated keys as environment variables.

This works on a certain version of the custom image, which can be printed out through pringenv, but when I use the new image given by our devops team, I find that using dot-separated environment variables cannot be printed out through printenv, and the service also fails to start.

In addition to dot-separated environment variables, the images of these two versions also have SHLVL=1

Batch cannot set the mirror file of dot-separated environment variables, and it can run normally on GKE. I would like to ask, is this a problem with the mirror file or a problem with Batch?




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Hi @JonYu , This is likely related to your custom built image. Can you share more info about the base image (what is OS, etc)? If you run a similar experiment on it directly outside Batch, do you get expected results.  Also, do you run container or script runnables in your Batch job tasks?