Copy blob from different bucket using 2 Service accounts for read and write

hello team , does GCS support copying a blob server side using 2 different SA. one for read from source bucket , the second have write on destination bucket ? 

the current implemented solution is to download the file locally and uploading it using the second SA. Nb: we can't change the permissions on these bucket. 

Thanks team. 

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Hello @samirlv,

You can do the following options:

  1. Copy GCS bucket objects by using the its different methods: console, command line, client libraries, or rest APIs. To copy objects, you need to have the proper IAM permissions. If you don't own the project, you need the project owner to give you a role that contains the necessary permissions. 
  2. Look into Storage Transfer Service. One of its common use case is to transfer data between Cloud Storage buckets
  3. If the above options don't work, you can contact Google Cloud Support to further look into your case. Hope it helps, thanks!

hello @Marramirez . as stated in the question We do have proper IAM permission but we have separate read and write permission on each service account.

service account 1 have read from source bucket and service account 2 have write on permission on target bucket.