Error: SSL provisioning FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE in Cloud Run (GCP)

Hi All,

christianpaula  justinmahood


I have a services which is running in GCP cloud run after that i try to add domain mapping i got 2 option for that 

1.  Custom domains - Google Cloud Load Balancing
2. Cloud Run Domain Mappings

I select first one (Custom domains (GCLB)) after that i given domain name ( and apply it after that i copied that IP Address and went to godaddy and added IP Address in 'A' record and save it after that i come back to GCP (Cloud Run Services) waiting for 1hr and got this SSL (FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE) 

Here is the Error of SSL got fail screenshot 


Here is the godaddy IP Add added



Here is the screenshot custom domain mapping




dig 34.xx.xx.249

; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.18-Ubuntu <<>> 34.xx.xx.249
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22961
;; flags: qr rd ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;34.xx.xx.249. IN A

34.xx.xx.249. 0 IN A 34.xx.xx.249

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jan 19 12:22:46 IST 2024
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 58

dev@Rashid:~$ nslookup 34.xx.xx.249 name =

Authoritative answers can be found from:


1. Which one should i select when creating domain mapping in above screenshot either 1 or 2 which can seen on above image.  ? 
2. Why SSL provisioning is failing i know there are multiple reason but i follow that cloud run show to me its all Automatic NO manually 



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Hi @mohdrashid1 ,

To answer your question/s:

@mohdrashid1 wrote:

1. Which one should i select when creating domain mapping in above screenshot either 1 or 2 which can seen on above image.  ? 

It will depend. If you want a simple configuration, go for Cloud Run Domain Mappings. It makes things easier by managing the domain mapping directly in Cloud Run. But, for features of Load Balancing, like global load balancing, SSL termination, etc., consider Custom domains - Google Cloud Load Balancing. 

@mohdrashid1 wrote:

2. Why SSL provisioning is failing i know there are multiple reason but i follow that cloud run show to me its all Automatic NO manually 

I suggest you check the Cloud Run logs for a more specific error message why the SSL provisioning is failing. You can check this documentation for more details. SSL provisioning fails for several reasons, including domain verification, DNS propagation, domain configuration and even the firewall rules. 

I recommend coordinating this concern with Google Cloud Support and creating a support case. They have a better visibility of your project and can isolate the cause of the failed SSL provisioning.

I cannot contact to Google Cloud Support because its a basic plan so only community is only one option