How to setup the VM Instance to work with HTTPS


I have a Verdaccio instance running on a Linux VM in Google Cloud, Verdaccio is setup to listen to https and the certificates were generated from terminal, the plugin starts successfully and I setup the firewall for the port 443 (before this changes it was all setup only for HTTP access and it was working, so in firewall I just changed the 80 port to 443), I checked the Allow HTTPS traffic under the VM settings.


Anyway when I try to access the web interface of Verdaccio it refuses to connect, in logs from Verdaccio I can't see any messages about the connection, it looks like it doesn't even get there, so I think it is something to do with the Google Cloud setup.

The question is if someone had such experience, setting up the https traffic to your VM instance, what solution could I try to make it work? Thanks!


It seems that the GCP firewall theory is highly unlikely to be the cause since you edited the rule. However, to isolate it, create a new firewall rule allowing ingress traffic on port 443 and making sure that the correct network tags are applied on the VM (if implemented as a target parameter). 

If that did not resolve it, I suggest re-verifying if the application is indeed listening on port 443. Here is a third party link (we do not endorse) that might help. For further help I suggest using the Verdaccio help channels for any other suggestions or posting on Stackoverflow with both Verdaccio and GCP tags. Posting there make sure to provide configuration parameters for both the application and GCE firewall rules to help the community debug.