Pointing to a subdomain of a WP Multisite in App Engine

I am trying to create a subdomain of a subdomain on my Multisite so I can Operate APP Engine in Google Cloud. I cannot create a subdomain of a subdomain vai Wordpress, so what is the best way to approach this? 

If I make a custom domain such as tracking.subdomainname.com (which is really mainsite.com/subdomainname ---displays as subdomainname.com), the "Google Managed, auto-renewing" under SSL security spins but eventually comes out with an error. Should I be adding something besides the 4 A records and 4 AAAA records to my DNS? I was told to not add the www cname as it would crash my site (it actually wouldn't let me add a www).

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Hi @AlexGSI ,

"SSL security spins but eventually comes out with an error", what was the error from this? Can you share a screenshot?

Based from your description, it seems that tracking.subdomainname.com was not yet added to your DNS records. On your GCP console, try adding it as CNAME then wait for its propagation. You can check this documentation regarding conditions to be met to have a succesful provision of managed certificates.