Hi everyone

I-m having some troubles with the ssh conection in gcloud, the project has 3 vms( let's call the vm 3 to the one im having problems with ) but one of them is giving me some problems. I tried the ssh button on the gcloud webpage (the one that its on the vm cell next to arrow pointing down) and tried ssh via terminal on my machine (of course saving my ssh key on the vm instance) , both of them didn't worked.

-Port 22 allows traffic firewall its active.

This project its from my work place, and my coworkers has no trouble connecting to any of the vms. I supose this problem has something to do with my account.

If anyone have an idea what can I try it will be awesome.



Hello @Seph86 ,

Have you tried connecting to your instance in the same network your coworkers are in? There are many considerations that may cause the SSH issue. Here's a documentation that you can refer to troubleshooting SSH issues