VPC Peering - Cloud SQL

Hi everyone,

I am trying to figure out a problem that we are currently facing, and I don't know why we cannot reach the support to help us.


I have a Project A (with VPC) connected with a Project B (with another VPC) through a VPC Peering.

Project A is connected with a Cloud SQL instance, also through VPC.

Since VPC Peering cannot be transiting between Projects, Project B cannot connect to the Cloud SQL instance.

Is it possible to Create VPC Peering on the side of the Cloud SQL instance to connect with Project B? This knowing that the Cloud SQL instance is a "project" managed internally by Google.


If not, how can we connect B and the DB?

Thank you so much

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In what project is the Cloud SQL instance? Perhaps a “Project C”?

Yes, so the project A has an instance of the Cloud SQL and behind the scene, when we create an instance of Cloud SQL with private IP we have a Project C.

i got the same problem. You have any ideas to solve? thanks for reply.