✏️Google Cloud Arcade Arcade Mysteries - Crossword✏️

The Arcade has a knack for keeping all of us on our toes, and this year is no exception. Introducing the Google Cloud Arcade Crossword, designed to give your mental muscles a stimulating workout.

Here’s all you need to know:

1) Snap a screenshot of the crossword image provided and find the questions below. 

2) Explore the different levels of the arcade this month to discover the answers to the crossword questions.

3) Complete the crossword with the right answers and post the image with answers below. 

4) Be one of the top 3 players to comment first!

5) The top 3 players who successfully complete the crossword in record time will receive a special shoutout in our upcoming posts!!




3 What is the name of Google's NoSQL Big Data database service? (Level 1)

4 Which cloud-based application provides advanced, fast, online spreadsheets?

8 What provides a way to summarize data in your spreadsheet?

9 What type of content can be created using the Text- to-Speech API?

10 What brings you the power and scale of a BigQuery data warehouse to the familiar context of Google Sheets? (Level 1)


1 BigQuery ML lets you create and run machine learning (ML) models by using GoogleSQL queries (Level 2)

2 Which analytics captures a wide variety of dimensions and measures about a user's visit on this ecommerce website?

5 What triggers the cloud function to run? (Level 1)

6 Which API is needed for a text detection method to make use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract text from images?

7 What type of development platform is AppSheet? (Level 1)

All the best! May the quickest minds in the Community win!

See you in the Cloud!

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The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword 🧩✏️  

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Is answer 6 incorrect?


✏️The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword✏️

Screenshot 2024-01-24 223517.png

The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword
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Screenshot 2024-01-24 223517.png

The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword

✏️The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword✏️Screenshot 2024-01-24 232041.png

✏️The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword✏️

Shantanu ChouguleShantanu ChouguleShantanu Chougule

✏️The Google Cloud Arcade Crossword✏️

Rohan Giri

Arcade crossword.jpg


credit - This is not my work, I just took the awnsers from other people who have posted before me; such as @Aashutosh  and @Viacheslav 

Google Crossword



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