All Aboard the Holiday Express!

The next Arcade challenge is now open. This is a 2-part challenge, and it’s all about pipelines. 

Pipeline: N, a long pipe, typically underground, for conveying liquids over long distances. Or in computing, a linear sequence of specialized modules. 

We’re using the second definition today 😉

In the first holiday challenge, you’ll learn how a CI/CD pipeline can automate software delivery. Especially useful when some of your team is enjoying a holiday break! You’ll use Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Build, Cloud Run, Cloud Deploy, Jenkins, and more. 

The game opens with a “hello, world!” intro level lab, then leads you through increasingly complex scenarios.

There are two challenge labs in this game. Challenge labs are, well, challenging! Some suggestions if you find yourself stuck:

  • CI/CD on Google Cloud: Challenge Lab - Use the skills you’ve learned up to this point in the game to solve the scenario. When you finish the lab, don’t forget to claim your skill badge
  • Google Clout - If you’re having trouble with this one, you may find this documentation helpful - or just Google it 😉 When you finish the lab, don’t forget to claim your badge and bragging rights! 

“Bragging rights” is not my favorite phrase. But by the end of this game, you will have earned my admiration. This one is tougher than most of what we’ve done so far in the Arcade. Do you think this is too challenging? Too easy? Just tough enough? Please drop a note and let me know what you think! 👇 

Whew, finally… Join here. 

10 88 8,403

please extend it to by 10.30 pm today holiday challenge it's a request.

@emily927 As we were following this arcade with great enthusiasm and supporting each step from your side. And At last when the prize were announced it was an utter disappointment with the effort we took.As a college student i was not having enough time but still completed almost every possible lab that i could but the output from your side were too disappointing with inputs and efforts we done . Hopefully @emily927  it's just you to whom we can express our feelings as you were too cooperative entirely through this aracde.Just look into this matter.So that we could get a satisfied output from ur side .Thanks for this platform to express my views on it

Google clout lab has so many bugs . I tries for more than 10 times but it still showing that i havent completed something . i did everything . Now how to resolve this ?

@jpgJanhvi This lab is working fine, Maybe you are not following the correct steps, as it's a challenge, You will not be provided with the detailed steps. 

@emily927 Please, extend more time. Labs got so much bug.

Holiday Express challenge is over?

I am unable to join it

Yes I also feel some serious bug in Google Clout challenge lab. A friend of mine was doing it and it never shows a green tick, even though the steps were right, and just because of that he lost his badge due to time exceed.

@emily927 can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee extend this holiday challenge for juss 24 hrs pleaseeeeeeeeee it's a humble request. due to issues in some labs wasn't able to complete

Thank you for your patience, and for the reports to help us identify trouble spots! The labs in this challenge should be healthy now. Please note we've added a bit of time to the game. Good luck, and thanks again! 

Hi, @emily927 it would be highly appreciated if you can reconsider the prize requirements. 

Thank you @emily927 for the extension I have completed it and earned my 100th badge on Google cloud 🥳🥳

Amazing accomplishment! 

Why you don't reply on our concern of Arcade Prize @emily927 while you Reply others this Is not satisfactory decision You should reply to all .

Isn't that obvious bro, if she's looking into the matter then that means she would reply to your problem. 

But she isn't looking into it, so she is not replying to it.

And prize counter is quite good, if a person is doing it from the beginning then only they had gathered all 16 badge and you should respect their hardwork. And if a person have done just 1 lab then isn't it partiality to give them the swags, then the crowd will jump on it.

So respect all prize distribution.

It's for how hardwork you have done in past and is paying you off now.

I don't mean any offense. But it is what it is.

can i know where you ppl are seeing the points distribution if possible any link can be shared?

thank you abhishek 🙂


The official arcade game website has a video on it.

You can checkout there 

thank you 🙂

But don't you think 16 point is too much may be it can be 14 max .

Tell me how many person you find who have all 16 point and if the prize distribution is this much good then why people are complaining about it

At the end of this event I myself have 14points that's because I missed 2 games(September trivia & study buddy)

So 16 points is possible 

@Abhishek213 will have 16 points at the end of the event, and some of my friends also, some linkedin family of mine also will end up with 16 points

This may be your view my friend but they should clear it earlier na  

They just reveal 11+ point for premium Plus 

please extend till tomorrow 18 th 10.29 pm holiday challenge please


@emily927  "Cloud Run Canary Deployments" Not working for me.

will we get another extended time to complete the labs @emily927 😥


Please re-open holiday challenge part 1. I had 2 labs remaining to solve from it @emily927 

Dropping a quick note! The next round of the holiday challenge begins tomorrow, but if you can get a sneak peek today. 100 seats are available now. If you don’t get a seat today, no worries, more opportunities are coming soon. 

Use code 1q-holiday2-672 to join: 

As always, please drop a comment if you notice something odd! 🙏

0 spots left now 😶

please allow some more spots 

0 spots left now, it will open again?

Don't worry it will open more spots, that's just for early access. You will get access tomorrow. So just don't worry. 

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Plz reopen part 2 we were unable to join bcz the slots were not there so i have got only 3 hr to complete plz do reopen the lab for 6 hrs plz 


@emily927  Thanks for the update..😀


hi @emily927 , holiday express 2 has no spots remaining. Please add more spots.

I see now more spots are open. Thank you. Happy holidays 🎄 



that was for testing more spots opens today

sucessfully completed all 16 badges 


 Public profile -

Feedback of Holiday 2

  • As per me Building Batch Pipelines in Cloud Data Fusion should be on top as it is basic and containts all details for a beginner 
  • All labs are working fine 
  • This challenge is tougher than sports data (but not for me :D)

Thanks a lot @emily927 

Bro, How much time it will takes to complete the full badge of Holiday Part 2 ?

i think about 10 hours

Max 4 hrs


When Holiday Express Round 2 resumes?

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