Could we get a mega-thread for prize/swag related challenge posts?

I used to turn on notifications for this particular board, because I want to keep informed about posts related to learning about Google Cloud. And by that I mean ideas and suggestions about how to upskill my knowledge, and also tips regarding Certifications.

About a week ago I suddenly got bombarded with notification emails and thought that it's a great sign, that more community members started participating on the forum. Then I looked at the posts and almost every single one of them are basically asking how/when they'll get the rewards. I quickly switched to daily posts notification for now.

For the mods, can I suggest having a mega thread to host all the prize/swag rewards related question? Just looking at the first page right now, almost every single post is related to prize/swag. It's getting ridiculous. Just a suggestion.

@emily927  @michael 

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

I agree and I think a pinned FAQ thread might help, but I would keep expectations low as you're being reliant on users actually reading before posting.

If the number of identical posts with "X badge isn't showing" or "It's been almost 5 minutes and I haven't gotten an e-mail yet about how to get my swag" as the headlines is any indication, then it's likely that won't change much for those folks. 😂

@glen_yu Well I'm hoping one of the mods can move/merge the posts. I've been involved with similar community (also using Khoros), so I'm familiar with the things moderator do to keep the forum tidy.

I'm guessing this community is still fairly new, and the mods were caught off guard with the massive influx of swags hunters.

Hey @iyudhi and @glen_yu -- thanks for chiming in about this we really appreciate the feedback and the idea.


Consolidating posts about swag / prizes is a great idea. I couldn't agree more that the goal for this space is supposed to be a place for learning related activities and conversations and as of the past week or so, swag topics have really taken off here. I'm really glad people are showing up with their questions but we should be more strategic with how we field these questions. 


I'm going to look into creating a new thread for all swag/prize related posts, with a new 'swag' label, as well as publishing an FAQ to guide members to the best use of the space.


Thank you both for helping mold this space into a valuable experience for all!

Thank you @michael much appreciated!

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