Lab Issue: Deploying Google Kubernetes Engine

I tried to run the lab of "Deploying Google Kubernetes Engine".
In the Task 3, I have created the sample nginx workload in us-central1-a but it cannot pass the verification. It just reported that I need to create cluster in us-central1-a. How can I get it done? 

I have end the lab 3 times and start the lab again, all 3 times are stack in the task 3 verification. Anyone else has the same experience? how do you get pass to it?

Solved Solved
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ops, re-do the lab today and it works now. all tasks are verified. 

View solution in original post



And the first task is asking me to create in us-east4-a, but the task verification is checking us-central1-a. This is another issue too. 

ops, re-do the lab today and it works now. all tasks are verified. 

@mvpkenlin  I tried to re-do the lab three times but, I have the same error like your in task 3 of lab Deploying Google Kubernetes Engine. 

Try now . It should work now.. i also faced the same issue yesterday after couple of minute it got fixed itself.

After running the command to launch a single instance of the nginx container

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0

I got this error:

error: failed to create deployment: Post "http://localhost:8080/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/default/deployments?fieldManager=kubectl-create&fieldValidation=Strict": dial tcp connect: connection refused

Here is the solution to this problem: (source)

Run this command before deploying an instance

minikube start


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