Logging Hosts Vs Non Logging Hosts


I'm currently exploring the various dashboard options to distinguish between logging hosts and non-logging hosts.

For instance, I'm interested in applying a 7-day filter to the hostname field, comparing it with the results from the last 2 days, and determining which hosts haven't generated any logs in the SIEM. My goal is to set up an alert for such cases.

Would you be able to assist me with this task?

Thank you

0 5 600

How many hosts are you expecting?
You may need to use a "reference list" to contain the hosts seen and your detection rule will genreally search each host for last seen log and report on those last seen greater than 2 days (

Hi @Chris_B thank you for the suggestion. I don't have the exact host count but approx it should be around 10 to 20 for now. 

Would you be able to provide a sample rule set or a reference page or document would be helpful

Thank you

I don't see it's feasible until chronicle brings a feature of multi-column reference list where you setup one rule to update the hostname and latest evet time, and second rule to compare the variance and alert. 

@vivekramrs. The below YAML works based on Event Timestamp, as well as taking the about.labels.value field and does a distinct count (distinct count based on Event ID, as opposed to count of actual "events", as in some cases there can be multiple events generated, but only 1 event ID).

The below is a YAML file, go to dashboards, import, and import the following.

- dashboard: logging_vs_not_logging
  description: ""
  - col: 0
    column_limit: 50
    conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
    conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
    defaults_version: 1
    - _kind_hint: measure
      _type_hint: number
      based_on: events__about__labels.value
      category: measure
      expression: null
      label: Custom Distinct count based on About.Labels.Value (Event ID)
      measure: custom_distinct_count_based_on_aboutlabelsvalue_event_id
      type: count_distinct
      value_format: null
      value_format_name: null
    - _kind_hint: measure
      _type_hint: string
      category: table_calculation
      expression: if(${custom_distinct_count_based_on_aboutlabelsvalue_event_id} >=
        1, "Yes","No")
      label: Logging
      table_calculation: logging
      value_format: null
      value_format_name: null
    enable_conditional_formatting: false
    explore: events_connector
    - events.metadata__event_timestamp_date
    - events.principal__asset__hostname
    - custom_distinct_count_based_on_aboutlabelsvalue_event_id
    - events.metadata__event_timestamp_date
    filters: {}
    header_font_size: 12
    header_text_alignment: left
    height: 11
    hidden_pivots: {}
    hide_row_totals: false
    hide_totals: false
    label_density: 25
    legend_position: center
    limit: 500
    limit_displayed_rows: false
      Filter Based on Event Timestamp!: events.time_filter
    model: scn
    name: Untitled
    ordering: none
    - events.metadata__event_timestamp_date
    plot_size_by_field: false
    point_style: none
    row: 0
    rows_font_size: 12
    show_null_labels: false
    show_row_numbers: true
    show_silhouette: false
    show_totals_labels: false
    show_value_labels: false
    show_view_names: false
    show_x_axis_label: true
    show_x_axis_ticks: true
    show_y_axis_labels: true
    show_y_axis_ticks: true
    size_to_fit: true
    - events.metadata__event_timestamp_date
    - custom_distinct_count_based_on_aboutlabelsvalue_event_id desc 0
    stacking: ""
    table_theme: white
    title: Untitled
    totals_color: '#808080'
    transpose: false
    trellis: ""
    truncate_text: true
    type: looker_grid
    width: 24
    x_axis_gridlines: false
    x_axis_reversed: false
    x_axis_scale: auto
    y_axis_combined: true
    y_axis_gridlines: true
    y_axis_reversed: false
    y_axis_scale_mode: linear
    y_axis_tick_density: default
    y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
  - allow_multiple_values: true
    default_value: 7 day
    explore: events_connector
    field: events.time_filter
    listens_to_filters: []
    model: scn
    name: Filter Based on Event Timestamp!
    required: false
    title: Filter Based on Event Timestamp!
    type: field_filter
      display: popover
      options: []
      type: advanced
  layout: newspaper
  title: Logging vs Not Logging
  exported_at: "2023-12-19T10:16:04-08:00"
  file_fingerprint: "155790365035053142063705415671691895678"
  looker_version: 23.18.54
  version: "1"


In terms of automating and generating an alert, you can:

You can also attempt to manually download the "Table" (it sends a GET request, monitor it via network tab) and then you can create a python script that can query this HTTP request, download it a excel,  go through, check the "Logging" column for "NO", extract the particular row and column, write all of these to a separate .csv (these will be the hosts that haven't logged), and push that as an alert into chronicle.

Alternatively, schedule a delivery via email as a .CSV, and grab it from the email, create a python script to go through checking the Logging column, extract the count per row and push it into an alert into chronicle - this should work.

You also have the ability to do more fancy stuff, how about create a separate table, based on the initially created table that only shows assets that have the "Logging" set to no, or count the amount of assets that haven't been logging and produce a time graph!

Hope this helped!

how to increase the 500 limit? let's say we have 5000 hosts