App Engine - python310 - I can't see error urls

I really wonder if anyone is using App Engine any more, with issues this major

I see errors in logs, but no way to see which urls are these errors from ...

Previously on python314 - I wasn't able to even see the error traces ...

I tried python312 - and it's similar to python314 - no error urls and no error traces ... at least python310 has the trace and the logs ...

Any solution?

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It rarely happens to me, but sometimes I do get error logs where I cannot see the url request that triggered the error. I'm using Python3.9 as you will see; here's one of those cases:



I redacted a few things, but trust me it wasn't the triggering url.

Normally, one would see the culprit url in the property protoPayload.resource, but some log entries just don't have that property. Even when you get 2 or 3 log entries for the same error, none of them have the url that originated the error.

In my case, I could tell the operation that caused the error (that's redacted), so that gives me a pretty good idea what happened, but it's not in my code, it's not critical, and it doesn't happen often. However, not having that URL could be frustrating and definitely not helpful when troubleshooting.