Cloud run job api spec change ContainerReady

Hello community,

Yesterday around 7PM UTC we have some internal issues  involving cloud-run jobs status api breaking changes. We rely on job execution status in the condition type . In the  conditions type response, we received a new  value "ContainerReady" which wasn’t present before yesterday. We looked into the last releases and none was mentioning this change.

Was there any change in the last 24 hours made internally that altered the API response spec and what is the appropriate Reference to look for these changes ?


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Hi @samirlv,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

You encountered a new state "ContainerReady" in Cloud Run job API responses despite no documented changes.

  • Investigate further: Review recent release notes for hints and check community forums for similar experiences.
  • Contact Google Cloud Support: File a support ticket for official confirmation and guidance.
  • Adapt your code: Design for graceful handling of potential API changes through conditional logic.
  • Stay informed: Subscribe to release notifications and regularly review documentation.
  • Monitor for anomalies: Actively monitor logs and metrics for any unexpected behavior.

Remember, resilience and awareness are key when dealing with potentially undocumented API changes.