Google Identity as an OIDC provider

How do I use Google Identity/Workspace as an OIDC provider (OIDC idP)? Docs mention SAML all over the place, and also sometimes OIDC, but all guides only go through SAML configuration.

I know about Google Identity Platform (CIAM), but that's not what I'm looking for.  I don't want to use SAML because it's old XML. I want to be cool, with oAuth and web 2.0.
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Hi @googleadmin1,

Welcome to the Google Cloud Community!

You may refer to this documentation on how to sign in users with OIDC. On the same page, you can also find how to configure it using OAuth flow.

I hope this helps. Thank you. 😃

Hey @lawrencenelson! I've been trying to find something similar and came across this older thread. I don't think that's the solving the same problem from the OP. Those docs seem to be for using another Identity Provider to sign into Google Cloud but we're looking for a way to do the opposite. Using Google Workspace as the Identity Provider with OIDC instead of SAML to sign into a 3rd party app or website. Something similar to these docs but with OIDC: