Auto Hyperlink in New Email


I'm a digital marketer and I constantly have to insert links into emails. Is there a way to automatically have links that are inserted turn into hyperlinks? I know that you can turn it into a hyperlink with CTRL + K, but when I'm pasting more than 10 links into an e-mail, this really becomes a nuisance.


Is there any way around this? Maybe there is an app that I can install domain-wide? Thanks in advance!

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But I know at least for me even if I have pasted the URL from the browser (the URL bar), as soon as the email gets sent, it turns itself into a blue hyperlink (if the URL is copied and pasted from example Google Docs and it was hyperlinked in Google Docs, it will retain that hyperlink ie show that hyperlink in the email before it gets sent) and even if I go back into the sent label to see how the email turned out, that link will be blue even if before I sent it, it was not showing me as a blue hyperlinked text. But I don't know if that behavior also happens if the email is going to let's say a Yahoo account or Outlook. 

@Charlotte @daviddennison Charlotte, you had my exact answer.  The linking feature is really only if you want different text for the hyperlink.  Otherwise, URLs will be auto-linked when Gmail detects it after sending it and you'll see that if you look at a Sent copy of an email.  -KAM

@Charlotte @KAM I know it does that, and this might just be me, but when sending clients important emails with links and whatnot, I need the peace of mind that it's actually a hyperlink BEFORE I hit that send button. The last thing I need is to look like I don't know what I'm doing ๐Ÿคฃ

Also, I think if it auto hyperlinked right after, it would enhance the user experience. Any thoughts?

@daviddennison I do now get what you are saying and you are making a lot of sense especially since I know other products can do the automatic hyperlink as well such as this community, Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc! It is a little bit weird to be trying to test out a link before you send it and then you realize it's not actually clickable even (I am guessing some people even do that to ensure the links go to the right spot). I am personally not aware of anything but maybe KAM has a great idea. The only thing I can think of is using the new Google Docs Gmail draft option (since that literally came out this month! since I know that links in Google Docs can be hyperlinked by typically just clicking on the space or enter button after adding the link or it does that for me at least) or writing up the email in regular Google Docs or elsewhere then copy and paste that into the email or how about submitting a feature request (in the feature ideas hub) for this especially if there is no app or extension that can do what you are wondering? 
PS I should probably mention the draft emails from Docs feature I was thinking of is still rolling out and should be rolled out for all next month. Corresponding help center article about it is along with another Google official announcement about it located at

I'll definitely try that out!

I just noticed something yesterday when I was writing an email in a I believe a Workspace for Education account that I thought would share (this is something I hadn't noticed before). I was writing an email and had to insert a few links and I had to go out of the email to find and look at another email that included a link. When I went back to the email in draft label, I noticed the links had turned into hyperlinks. So one way for the account to turn the links into hyperlinks before actually being sent was to write and insert the links, go out of the email (so that the compose box was completely shut down), then go back into the draft and links should have hyperlinked.

Try all your links in microsoft word software then copy all links created in word to e-mail description. Defiantly trick will work and save your time. 

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