Copy Google Drive Folders For Repetitive Tasks - Classroom


Seems unusual that on google drive you used to be able to copy a folder and its contents and paste it back into google drive. Now it is gone?

This can be for recurring projects, where you have a main folder and template folders with docs/sheets/presentations/pics in their respective folders in a tree directory.

And there was a couple of years ago a Chrome extension that allowed for this.

Does anyone have a solution?

Seems like a PC or a Mac or Dropbox, etc., allow you to clone/copy an existing folder and paste it.

Uploading and downloading are not efficient and strip away elements that should stay with the original files.

Help, help!



2 11 771

I second this exact issue! I have the same thing. I too agree and find it very inefficient to do a download and upload, then there is formatting issues. Have you found a work around? 

There used to be a chrome extension, but no more.

Some old YT videos showed it was a menu feature and now its gone?!

Correct, DL and UL and formatting gets stripped off.

No workaround and Google support can't help and can't recommend a Chrome extension, even though they say there is one, but can't suggest one?

G Suite/Google Workspace has come so far....why did it handicap a feature that worked well. Dropbox, PC's, Mac's all do this simple function.

Bummer- I am hoping they launch an update good and have the ability to copy folders. Operating on a mac and that functionality exists seamlessly. Has anyone tried on google drive for desktop? 

You might want to post this to the Feature Ideas section here. See, and for how to get access. This will allow it to be upvoted by others and possibly considered as a future feature enhancement.

If you are submitting a feature idea, be sure to explain the problem that you're trying to solve with the feature idea, not just the idea itself. For example, saying "when my users are trying to do 'A', they often get confused by the fact that the buttons to do 'X' and to do 'Y' look quite similar to each other, which leads to this unintended consequence" is far more likely to get fixed than a feature idea that just says "change the color of the button 'Y'".




Hit the link and it says its closed to new people.

Button does the loop.

Perhaps you could post it on my behalf?



Hello everyone,

You can use this script/sheets to successfully copy, follow the instructions below:

Best regards

See the second link in my response above for how to request accessโ€ฆ

I posted this suggestion! 

Thank you!

Seems so simple, yet there must be something behind the reason why it was disabled!

No problem! Yes I know seems like such a minute task that MAC, Dropbox, etc. allows for and would be so efficient to have. 

I have this exact issue too! For years! When a new employee comes on, copying a folder with all the templates the need build it saves hours start a new project, etc. versus this is the current process:

  1.  versus going to each and every individual file and folder to make make a copy
  2. than manually moving each and every file and folder into the new employee folder
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