Google Chat Migration Tool (from Slack)

Our organisation currently uses Slack for internal communications. With the improvements in Google Chat this year we feel it is finally able to replace Slack. Google does not have an official tool to migrate our message history from Slack, does anybody know of a Third Party Tool?

Slack/Teams both have tools to migrate between each other and Slack can export a CSV of all messages so I know it is possible on that side.

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@HugoWiffen As per my understanding and as per the inquiries I did, there is no option to migrate the data from Slack to Google Chat.

It is not possible to move your Slack messages or channels to Google Chat.

Here is a comparison between the features for your reference: 



Hey Hugo!

Unfortunately, the current publicly available Google Chat API version does not offer functionalities to make such migration. Good information is that, the developers can apply to get access to the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program  that offers such possibilities (Create messages, membership, reactions and more).

As soon as some of these APIs become publicly available, I am pretty sure that the third-party Migration Tool Developers will start implementing them to make such migration possible. 

In the meantime, you could export the Slack history to docs (PDFs), and then attach these files to the corresponding Spaces created, for easy access by the Space members.

There is now an option in this space ( ) it's not a great option as there is no existing tooling around it, but at least the api exists now. 


Hi @HugoWiffen 

The CloudFuze platform makes transferring conversations from Slack to Google Chat easy. This is great news for businesses looking for a direct tool to switch from Slack to Google Chat. It supports migrating all the Slack Workspace direct messages and channels, including emojis, timestamps, user mentions, replies, files, etc. 
Read here for more details about how CloudFuze helps organizations migrate effortlessly from Slack to Google Chat while preserving historical context and data.


It's very possible to transfer, it's just a two-stage process with APIs that are currently in developer preview. It was also announced and demonstrated at Google Next last week.

I would stay away from Cloudiway. Their pricing strategy is very opaque and deceptive, but after a lot of back and forth it turned out they wanted $770 for a migration of our very small team from Slack to Google Chat.

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