Google suspended my account

My Google account has been suspended. But the monthly subscription payment in the cloud is deducted. How do I cancel the subscription when I cannot access my account? How do I get the money paid back?

My suspended account is:

I'm tired of trying to contact someone from the Google team to get the account regain. I have over 700GB of data, personal and family photos. But my messages are constantly being ignored.

Is there a way to regain my account?

0 3 1,388

@yasser This is a community forum of Google Workspace administrators.  You are asking about a gmail account.   Have you requested a review of the account and seen the section on downloading your data at -KAM

@KAM No one from Google responds to my inquiries and asks for clarification or recovery of the account

@yasser This is a community of Google Workspace administrators.  We can't really help with a issue beyond the KB I sent.  Did you fill out the form here: which says 2 business days for a reply? -KAM

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