Hej allihop från Malmö, Sverige (Google Translate can help you with that)

Hi there,

I'm Kim Nilsson, ICT-technician in Lomma municipality.

I'm a Google Certified Innovator, Educator & Google Cloud Certified Professional Collaboration Engineer. I have worked with Google in education since 2009, still on Google+ (renamed to Currents) were I moderate GSFE Admins and co-run GEG Sweden (Google Educator Group) with Anders Wockatz (@anders_wockatz).

I call myself a GAMADV-XTD3 aficionado, because I really love this API tool, which is as close to magic one can come, and I use it every day, always trying to convince others of its necessity. Other than that I live by my Google Calendar (if it's not in there, it doesn't happen) and spend the rest of my days in Google Sheets or the admin console. I have also developed a few open-source tools myself.

The few hours I don't spend tinkering with google-stuff, I usually spend watching movies (at the cinema if possible) or some favourite TV shows I follow. Oh, I'm also a full-time single dad 👨‍🏫 with three teenage kids 👧👦👦, which I do bring along to the cinema every now and then.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome Kim! Glad to have you here. 

New Member

Kim I have a strong need for Google Calendar and Sheets to integrate readily for sales related follow-up tasks like future dated calls, emails, etc. I have not checked out your open-source stuff just yet but imagine you may be the man to ask! Thanks in advance for any aid and forgive my ignorance if already featured. 


There are many solutions going from Sheets to Calendar.

Not so many, if any, for the other way around.

However, Sheets-to-Calendar is usually the way people want.

You really don't need my help. You can find them all by googling "google sheets to google calendar". There are a number of free scripts, and then a few that you need to pay for. It's all a question on how much you need it. If it's vital, then it's a simple business expense.

This is also one of the main features of most CRM systems.