Hello from Chicago!

Hey, everyone! This is Dan Wagner and am loving the new GCC site! 

In what part of the world do you reside?

Right outside of Chicago, IL, in a suburb called Clarendon Hills.

What do you work on?

Solution Design and my belly (it's way too big).

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

I've been working with Google Apps for Work/G Suite/Workspace for over 12 years now. I may not know everything, but I certainly know my fair share. Certified as a Professional Collaboration Engineer and WAS GCP Architect certified, but that expired in April. I intend to go after that cert again as well as Associate Cloud Engineer. Always looking to learn something new! 

What would you like to get out of this community?

Great, fun, productive, and collaborative conversations! Knowledge sharing, use cases/challenges, both professional and personal!

What do you do for fun?

When not hanging out and having fun with my wife and kids, I play drums in a couple of bands, play video games, and just bought a new gravel bike that I hope to make great use of on some bike trails

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome Dan! I love that you play drums. What would be a good electric drum kit for beginners? 

Also, be sure to check out the Cloud Digital Leader cert, it just came out of beta. It's a more general cert focused on three areas - general cloud knowledge; general Google Cloud knowledge; and Google Cloud products and service. I'll be going for that one this summer. 


Dang! Didn't know about the Cloud Digital Leader cert; thank you!!!


Also, I did a good amount of research on e-kits this past year. I REALLY like the Alesis DM10 MKII Pro, but it's a bit pricey. For beginner's, the Alesis Nitro Mesh Kit seems to be really great and has awesome reviews!